Happy 2025, good humans! I look forward to seeing you at upcoming 2025 shows! (Please check back as I'm always updating...)

    February 8th: TOADAL Eclipse of the Art Pop Up! Lincoln Square Urbana, Illinois -Saturday Only!
    Inside mall: Southeast entrance adjacent to Common Ground Food Co-op
    201 Lincoln Square, Urbana, IL 61801 10-4, one day only! https://www.facebook.com/events/974767241241032

    April 4th-6th: Queeny Art Fair! Greensfelder Recreational Complex, 550 Weidman Rd.
    Ballwin, Missouri

    April 19th (one day only): POP! Spring Art Market at Funk Farms 5959 N 1100 E Road Shirley, IL www.artistsofthecorn.com

    May 17th & 18th: East Lansing Art Festival 2025! Downtown East Lansing, Michigan. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. https://www.elartfest.com/

    June 7th & 8th: 78th Annual 57th Street Art Fair! Kimbark at 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois. https://www.57thstreetartfair.org/ 11-6 Saturday, 10-5 Sunday.

    June 21st-22nd: Talbot Street Art Fair, 16th to 20th Street on Talbott Street Indianapolis, Indiana Sat 10am-6pm and Sun 10am-4pm https://www.talbotstreet.org/

    August 30th-31st: Gills Rock Artfest, Top O' The Thumb Gallery 12728 Hwy 42, Gills Rock, WI

    September 6th-7th: Art in the Garden, A Grassroots Art Fair. 1740 Grove St Glenview, IL www.grassrootsartfair.com

    October 4th-5th: Door County Wearable Art Show. Baileys Harbor Town Hall, Baileys Harbor (Door County) Wisconsin. www.doorcountywearableartshow.com

    Please consult my website, Instagram and Facebook for further details and additional shows and information! The schedule is constantly changing, woohoo! Thanks! –Amy

  • Where to Buy?

    If you can't come to a show, please visit my etsy shop:

    www.hingedjewelry.etsy.com or contact me at hingedjewelry@gmail.com with any special requests.

    My work is also available at The Gilbert Gallery 102 West Main Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801 thegilbertgallery.net

    Virag Jewelers in Evanston, IL is now carrying my work as well! 703 Main Street Evanston, IL 60202 www.viragjewelers.com

    Bazyli Studios Wearable Art Gallery 2551 Ahrens Road, Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin. Check their website for seasonal hours: https://www.bazylistudio.com/

    Thank you!

  • Write Ups, Blogs and Interesting Stuff:

    6/17/2014: My wonderful art fair neighbor Juana Ryan blogged: http://www.stellalilystudio.blogspot.com/2014/06/on-roll.html Please go check out her beautiful work!

    2/10/2014: A wonderful write-up through Zia Gallery, in Winnetka, IL! Thanks Zia Gallery!

    9/15/13: My jewelry work was included in a worldwide team project: http://www.blurb.com/books/4585309-big-eyed-love

    3/5/12: Thank you, Fanny Zara for featuring me in a blog with our newest venture!

    2/12/11: A fabulous start to a new venture:

    A blogger featured me on 1/9/10!
    Thanks Lisa!! XO!

    Gotta love my talented ceramic artist friend Gary Jackson...blogged 10/8 AND 10/9/09

    A lovely fellow jeweler who is on etsy:

    Thank you bloggers/friends! XO!